Sunday, July 2, 2017

Make People Like You

Normally people want to get liked by many peoples this is an emotional need for a person many people also want this because they want success in their life so by doing many small things great for them we can get like by people.We are social creatures and somehow we have to interact with many peoples the achieve our goals and make our self happy so this is very important for us that our social skills are good. Most of the people get success easily as they are good in their score social skills not because of their knowledge and educational qualification. There are some techniques which a person can follow to get like by others:

1. A good conversation.

Good Conversation

First of all, when we make a conversation with anyone we must greet them for being there and the most important part of a good conversation is listening to them. Listening to the problem and good points in the life.
Listening to them patiently without interrupting them with sympathy and understanding can make the person feel that you are listening to them so you are like a friend to them or someone close to them. So be an empathetic listener who understands them this can make you more likable, lovable and understandable to them.
Always keep in mind that always let the other person talk more and also encourage them to talk about themselves as talking about them is important for them as their talks are more important for them than any other person.

2. Remember details about them.

Remember Details

For every person, their personality is more important than any other person so attracts them we must remember details about their personality and remind them that they are important to you.
We can remember small details about the person to attract them as a person who remembers detail about them is always likable by anyone.
Some people forget the name of other people and asking them their name is really a small thing but it is not a likable trait so we must remember small details about them and give importance to them as they want to get more important than others. 
Remembering small details about them like the name of the person and birthdays is really special for them and makes a person more likable.

3. Talk their interests and excitements.


Normally when you meet people you always talk about your interests and what excites you this is really interesting for you for a conversation to go on but always keep in mind that every person has their own interests and excitement in their life so every person wants to feel their interests and tell about them to others.
When you meet people talking about their interest can excite them and make you likable as you are talking about their interest which is really exciting for them and they can talk about this with happiness and forgets all tension in the world for a while. 
This makes you likable person as you are concerned about them their interests, excitements and their hobbies. This technique is also used in business a deal worked but applying is in real life is very interesting for the person you want to get them like you.So, always try to talk in terms of other people interest, not your interests.

4. Appreciate others truly.

Appreciate Others

People always feel superior in minimum one thing then others that are the people don't have so we need to find that one thing that people are good at and always appreciate them for that in this way you can make them feel important than others in that person also will start liking you because you noticed that thing.
There are billions of people in this world and every person is the need to be special than any other person and when we make them feel special about that thing that person will start liking you. If he really doesn't want to because very fewer people take efforts to make others feel special and important. 
If you want that people like you make them feel special and powerful the same thing will come back to you always remember this thing.

5. Try it unfinished.

Try It Unfinished

Naturally, a majority of people always remember unfinished tasks, unfinished songs, and anything that is not completed yet for them because of zeigarnik effect. As we know that in television commercials sometimes we get cut in the advertisement and think that it is by mistake but this is a technique used by them to make that commercial remembered by you.
In this way, I think sticks in our mind and we remember that thing and try to watch them again. So in real life, you can apply this technique by leaving a task unfinished Together by the person you want to in your life to like you.
Applying this technique smartly can make you the other person remember about you and this also makes curious to know that thing which is unfinished.
Location: New Delhi, Delhi, India

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